A poetm for a scop written in 2008

The only man that deserve eternal glory

This deep black night

when there’s neither a star light

For you I want to sing

my valorous king

I want to sing for you

my beautiful queen dressed in blue

This is the ancient and mysterious story

of the only man that deserve eternal glory

He traveled all around the world and went

up on the highest mountains

down to the deepest caves

across the darkest forests

along the longest rivers

by the sea he reached every island he saw

a number as big that neither one thousand mans

can count them with all their hand fingers

Where ever he arrived

there was always something to fight

the enormous carnivore hawks

that had their nest on Mount Clouds’s Claw

the horrible and cruel demons that inhabited

the depth of the earth, the Cave of Hell

the killers threes suns of evil in the northern black forests

that drunk human blood by their roots

the slimy water snakes that ate every body

that tried to across the bridge on the Red River

the sea monsters that used to destroy all the boats

of the islands in the southern seas

The hero succeed in fighting with all these enemies

and thank to him they didn’t plague our lands any more

What we must do is keep on remembering forever

the deeds of our hero, the ancient and mysterious story

of the only man that deserve eternal glory.

(Costanza I lc B)

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